MOLD FACTS - a health alert !!
Mold in schools is on the rise and are making children sick.
  • According to a Government Accounting report, 20% of the USA's 80,000 public schools have indoor air quality problems.
  • Microbiological contaminants - particularly molds - account for half of indoor air health complaints. That means as many as 7,500 public schools have indoor air problems related to mold. Mold can start growing any time water leaks, and schools, many of which have flat roofs that collect water, are "notorious" for leaks.

  • Chronic leaks can turn ceiling tiles, wallboard or wood into ready-to-eat mold food.

Stachybotrys (stack-ee-BOT-ris) is part of a family of molds that produce airborne toxins that can cause breathing difficulties, dizziness, memory and hearing loss, and flulike symptoms.
Cladosporium and Penicillium - common molds that can grow to toxic levels, triggering allergic reactions, including asthma, as well as sinus infections, headaches, coughing and eye and throat irritation.
Memnoniella and Aspergillus versicolor can produce airborne toxins, called mycotoxins, which can cause even more serious problems, including chronic fatigue, loss of balance and memory, irritability and difficulty speaking.
Telltale signs of mold at home, school or industrial environment
  • Moist carpeting or stained ceiling tiles, indicating unattended leaks.
  • Musty odors. These often signal mold growth.
  • Obvious cosmetic fixes. Replacing ceiling tiles or painting stained wallboards can disguise an underlying moisture problem, such as a leaky roof.
  • High humidity. Keep a temperature-humidity gauge in the classroom or your living room. Relative humidity should be consistently below 60%.
  • Heat or air conditioning being shut down for long periods (summer vacation, for example), especially in hot or humid areas.
  • Cabinets, blackboards or large furniture positioned against outside walls in hot, humid climates. This can impede air flow and drying, and promote condensation between these objects and the cool outside wall.
  • Lots of plants. Indoor plants are just another source of moisture that can raise humidity and contribute to mold growth.
Children are more susceptible to mold-related illness than adults, because their lungs and other organs are still developing. Pediatricians used to consider molds a nuisance, but in the last five years they have come to consider them as actual health hazards. Mold-related respiratory problems often go undiagnosed among kids because most pediatricians don't think about molds when they see a child with respiratory problems.

The mere presence of mold does not necessarily mean symptoms of respiratory illness are caused by that mold, cautions an environmental health expert. Other factors, including volatile organic compounds and a lack of fresh air, can cause similar symptoms.

Click on the links for a more thorough explanation

Mold and Mildew - Did you know that mold spores are found in your heating and cooling system, in damp clothing, cleaning materials and the moisture in your ceilings, walls, carpets and drapes?
Bacteria - Bacteria is found in your heating and cooling system, house pets, garbage, bathrooms - everywhere in your home!
Odors - Cigar or cigarette smoke, onion and bleach. Even tho a newly constructed home has that "fresh, new" smell - it holds the worst indoor air pollutants. Furnishings such as new carpeting, drapes, furniture, upholstery - and construction materials such as paint, plywood and particle boards (from cabinets, furniture, paneling), actually emit chemical fumes, noxious gases and odors.
Dust - Did you know that 42,000 dust mites can live in only an ounce of dust? Forty pounds of dust generated per year per 1,500 square feet, host 15 species of dust mites.
Pet Dander, Litter Boxes - We all know how much dust and dander can be generated from dogs, cats, etc.

Rid your home, office and work environment of indoor air pollutants.
If you would like more information on air purification products, please click on this link to send an e-mail to
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